Zoroastrianism is defined by the Merriam Webster[1]
online dictionary as a Persian religion founded in the sixth century
B.C.E. by the prophet Zoroaster, promulgated in the Avesta, and characterized
by worship of a supreme god, Ahura Mazda, who requires good deeds for help in
his cosmic struggle against the evil spirit Ahriman. This is a rather
limited definition that actually tells us very little about Zoroastrianism or
Zoroaster (also known as Zarathustra). Let us take a journey into the
religion of Zoroastrianism and find out just what it is all about and how it
compares to the religion of Islam.
From approximately 6th century B.C.E until
the 7th century CE Zoroastrianism was the religion of the Persian
Empire, however today their numbers are believed to be fewer than
200,000. Most Zoroastrians live in and around the city of Mumbai, India,
after a miss migration in the 10th century C.E. The number of
Zoroastrians in present day Iran (previously part of the Persian Empire) is
believed to be as few as 18,000, most living in Tehran, Yazd and Kernan.
The number of Zoroastrians (Parsees) in India is
declining at about 10% per decade. The Canadian web site Religious
Tolerance believes this is due to Zoroastrian mobility and adaptability.
“They assimilate and intermarry, virtually disappearing into their adopted
cultures." [2]
It is believed that Zoroastrianism is conceptually and
historically associated with the other predominantly Indian religions,
Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and Sikhism. In approximately 225 C.E. the Sasanian Persian Empire unified Zoroastrianism and
established rules about what the religion was and was not. A high priest
was given authority exceeded only by the Emperor himself and Zoroastrianism was
made the state religion. At this time conversions were made to counteract
Christian missionary zeal in the area. [3]
Who was Zoroaster?
Zoroaster is also known as Zarathustra, from the Greek word meaning
shining light. Academics
differ about when he is believed to have been born. Estimates range from
6350 BCE to 600 BCE, there is also significant disagreement as to his birth
place. Suggestions are as diverse as, eastern Iran, Azerbaijan (south of
the Caspian Sea), Balkh (the capital of Bactria, in present day Afghanistan),
Chorasmia and Sogdia in Tajikistan, or near the Aral Sea in Kazakhstan.
Zoroaster was born within the borders of the Persian Empire, his
family name was Spitama. He preached a message of cosmic strife between
Ahura Mazda, the God of Light, and Ahriman, the principle of evil.
Zoroaster taught that the end of the world will come when the forces of light
triumph, and that the saved souls will rejoice in their victory. [4]
What do Zoroastrian’s believe?
Zoroaster preached that there is only One God. He is, according
to Zoroaster’s teachings, the
creator of heaven and earth. He is the source of the alternation of light
and darkness, the sovereign lawgiver, and the originator of the moral order and
judge of the entire world.
The dualism of Zoroastrianism is both cosmic and
moral. There is the ongoing spiritual battle between good and evil, Ahura
mazda vs. Arihman, and the mind’s moral battle between righteous and sinful
behaviours. Zoroastrianism views the world as having been created by
Ahura Mazda but meant to evolve according to the divine law or plan, known as
Asha. Asha is the principle of righteousness or “rightness” by which all
things are exactly as they should be.
In their most basic prayer, repeated every day,
Zoroastrians affirm this law of Asha. Via the law of Asha, Zoroastrians
are guided by three main principles: Humata - Good thoughts, the intention or
moral resolution to abide by Asha, the right order of things. Hukhata -
Good words, the communication of that intention. Havarashta - Good deeds,
the realization in action of that intention.
Zoroastrians believe in an afterlife , they believe
the human soul is judged by God, (Ahura Mazda) and that those who
chose good in this earthly life will go to the best existence while
those who chose evil would go to the worst existence – heaven or hell.
Fire does play a symbolic central role in religious
ceremonies. It is the symbol of Ahura Mazda, along with the sun, stars
and light and is also a physical representation of an illuminated mind.
Zoroastrian’s worship in places known as fire temples and it is there that an
eternal flame is kept burning with sandalwood and frankincense oils.
The Zoroastrian scriptures are called the Avesta, and they are written
in an ancient language Avestan, that is closely related to the Sanskrit of the
Hindu ancient Vedic hymns.
So far we can see that Zoroastrianism contains a mixture of beliefs,
on one hand it embraces some of the monotheism of Islam, and the dualism of
Christianity, and that the Zoroastrian concept of heaven and hell has moral
elements in common with Judaism, Christianity and Islam. In part 2 we
will discuss whether or not Zoroastrians, are the Magian’s mentioned in
Quran; do they, because of their symbolic use of the sun and stars have
any links to the Sabians or the religion of Prophet Abraham’s ancestors.
We will also look more closely at whether or not Islamic concepts are
inherent in Zoroastrianism.
As Muslims we believe that all people are born with the natural
inclination to worship God; One God, nor a plethora of gods and demi
gods. Therefore it makes perfect sense that in the ancient world,
including the Persian Empire there were people who worshipped One God. Islam
completes and purifies such monotheism.
It has been said that Zoroaster was pious, noble and
compassionate. He preached that a moral life paved the way to eternal
bliss. He encouraged his followers to love the righteous and have
compassion for the distressed.
Like Islam, Zoroastrianism does not discriminate between men and women,
both sexes are treated equally in the religious texts. There is no preferential
treatment of male children and children are advised to honour both father and
mother equally.
What exactly does Quran have to say about these monotheistic religions
that pre date the Islam we know today? Who are the people mentioned along with
Jews and Christians?
Verily, those who believe (in God and in His Messenger Muhammad), and
those who are Jews, and the Sabians, and the Christians, and the Magians, and
those who worship others besides God, truly, God will judge between them on the
Day of Resurrection. Verily! God is over all things a Witness. (Quran
Zoroaster had a great reputation as a scholar and physician.. He
established many fire temples and suppressed the worship of demons, and the use
of magic, witchcraft and sorcery. [5] Zoroastrians were indeed the people mentioned in Quran as Magians
Although the ancient Greeks viewed Zoroaster to be the founder of the
religion of the Persians, they embellished his story to such an extent that a
new and novel existence was created for Zoroaster. He was placed in an
impossibly ancient past, some 6 or 7 millennia before the Common Era and was
invariably cast an either a King and or a sage. Zoroaster began to be
portrayed not only as a sorcerer and astrologer but as the inventor of
magic. The Greek love of exotic wisdom and the evolution of the word mage
from learned one to practitioner of magic were combined to incorrectly define
Zoroaster as a magician and the Zoroastrian’s as Magians ( def.
The origin of the word magi in Persian sources is unclear but its use in
Zoroastrian scriptures seems to refer to a member of a tribe or group, possibly
leading to the word magian coming to denote Zoroastrians. In Christian
literature the three men who travel from the East to meet the new born Jesus
are referred to as the magi or wise men.
The origin and meaning of the word Sabian (mentioned in Quran with the
word magian) is also shrouded in mystery however we can be certain that Magians
and Sabians were two distinctly different religious groups
The original Sabians did not worship either the angels or the stars but
are said to have followed the teachings of Prophet Abraham. In short their
beliefs and monotheism was similar to that of the Jews, however they came
before the Jews possibly as far back as the time of Prophet Noah. Sabians
are sometimes referred to as the people of Prophet Abraham just as the Jews are
called the people of Prophet Moses[6].
The four religious groups mentioned in Quran, Jews, Sabians, Christians
and Magians all practised forms of monotheism, sometimes adulterated, thus not
always the pure monotheism of Islam.
Thus, in conclusion we find that the Zoroastrians were never fire
worshippers, magicians, sorcerers or astrologists. At one time
Zoroastrianism dominated an area stretching from what
is now Rome and Greece to India and Russia. [7] Their numbers dropped when the Persian Empire was conquered in the 7th
century C.E.
Zoroastrians do not preach their religion; in fact,
many modern Zoroastrians claim that conversion to their religion is
impossible. While there are priests there is no hierarchy and no
intermediaries between the people and God. The basic doctrine of
Zoroastrianism revolves around good thoughts, good words, and good deeds. [8]
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