Friday, May 1, 2020

The doctrine of redemption and crucifixion

Welcome my friends👋👋👋
Let's start the discussion about the errors of the Christian faith

First, the Christian faith is entirely based on the doctrine of redemption and crucifixion

The doctrine of redemption and crucifixion is one of the strangest doctrines you can meet in your life, why?

The answer - in short - because the doctrine of redemption and crucifixion is based on injustice, as the Christian doctrine states that the father of humans, called (Adam), disobeyed the Creator and ate from the tree that the Creator forbade eating from it, and therefore the Creator was angry with Adam and wanted to punish him And all of his sons who are his descendants

But the Creator rethought and suggested that he punish Jesus instead of Adam, so the Creator sent Jesus to Earth so that Jesus could be punished instead of Adam.

Here we stop to think a little about the aforementioned✋

First of all it is known that the just person always punishes the guilty and not the innocent, and when we look at the story of Adam and Eva, we will see that Adam and Eva are the two guilty people because they are the ones who ate from the tree and disobeyed the Creator so that the Creator was supposed to punish Adam and Eve because they are the guilty

But the strange thing is that you will find that the Creator - according to Christian belief - left the guilty and punished an innocent person in their place, and this innocent person was Jesus.😱  😱  😱

This is not divine justice

But some Christian religious people will object to my words and say:

The Creator wanted to redeem all of humanity from the original sin so he sent Jesus to be crucified and punished instead of Adam and his descendants

But I will respond to those religious Christians and tell them that The Creator should have forgiven Adam instead of sending the innocent Jesus to be punished and crucified instead of the guilty Adam, especially since it is assumed that the Creator knows that human nature is always wrong and therefore it was the duty of the Creator to forgive Adam instead of The story of redemption and crucifixion that has no meaning

Another strange thing is that the Christian religion states that Adam, when he committed the original sin, has become subject to death and torture, and this is not only, but also the Christian religion, stipulates that all human beings from ancient times until today must be tortured in hell. Because their father Adam disobeyed the Creator and we humans came from the descendants of Adam, so we are sharing with him in the crime🙇

This is illogical because Adam was the one who committed the crime, so we humans are innocent of that crime

For example, if someone stole money, the judge will punish that person and will not punish
his son because his son is innocent.

But according to the Christian doctrine, the Creator wanted to punish Adam and all human beings of his descendants because Adam disobeyed the Creator and ate from the tree
This indicates that the Christian faith is false👎 👎 👎


I would like to ask you three questions, O Christian:

Why did the Creator punish the innocent Jesus instead of the guilty Adam

And why did the Creator not forgive Adam in a moment instead of sending Jesus to earth to be crucified and killed on the cross?

And why did the Creator want to punish all human beings who are descendants because Adam disobeyed the Creator ??
Think with me of your mind, O Christian, and you will find that Christianity is not a rational religion

Now that Christianity is a wrong religion, then I would suggest to you a much better religion than Christianity

Enter this link in order to get to know this religion:

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